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Golden Flask Synthetic Urine with Uric Acid has been on the market for a long while and has a proven track record of accuracy. We know of no one has...
Applied Sciences is a company that specializes in detoxification products and is based in Scottsdale, Arizona. They saw a need for products that help to cleanse the body as well...
$89.95 $149.95
The 10 Day Permanent Detox is the one of the most complex and advanced detoxification products ever created in a laboratory. The 10 Day kit is specially formulated to fortify...
$59.95 $89.95
The 5 Day Permanent Detox is the one of the most complex and advanced detoxification products ever created in a laboratory. The 5 Day kit is specially formulated to fortify...
The Whizz Kit is the original refillable belt and the first unisex refillable urine kit on the market. The Whizz Kit has been trusted for years and is backed by our Quality Guarantee. This...
Sold Out - $29.95
Prepare yourself and meet the challenge of a saliva test - no traces of unwanted residues in your spit. Ultra Wash Toxin-cleansing mouthwash achieves a toxin free mouth up to...
Product Features Exclusive ÜTest product AMP 1000 ng/mL - BAR 300 ng/mL - BZO 300 ng/mL - COC 300 ng/mL - Meth 1000 ng/mL - MDMA 500 ng/mL - MTD...
Product Features Exclusive ÜTest product THC 20 ng/mL - METH 1000 ng/ml - COC 300 ng/ml One step, easy to use, self testing device Clear instructions & test interpretations on...
Sold Out - $39.95
Product Features Exclusive ÜTest product TCH 20 ng/ml - METH 1000 ng/ml - COC 300 ng/ml - OPI 2000 ng/ml - PCP 25 ng/ml One step, easy to use, self...